Iveco Defence Vehicles, a subsidiary of CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI/MI: CNHI), announces that on December 30, 2019 a first order of a frame agreement including more than 2,900 high mobility trucks has been signed with the Romanian Ministry of National Defence. These first 942 vehicles will be delivered throughout four years, starting from 2020....
Romania plans to spend EUR 2.5 bln to rebuild military base at NATO standards
Romania’s Defense Ministry plans to rebuild the Mihail Kogalniceanu military base close to the Black Sea coast according to NATO standards and increase its capacity. The costs of this project are estimated at RON 12 billion (over EUR 2.5 billion) over a period of 20 years and will be covered from the state budget, according...
Israel’s Rafael acquires drone manufacturer Aeronautics
Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. has acquired Aeronautics Ltd., one of the country’s leading developers of unmanned aerial systems, Rafael said on Tuesday, September 3. The deal, which is set to be finalized in the coming days, would see Rafael own 50% of Aeronautics with the defense technology company’s partner, businessman Avichai Stolero, holding the other...
Portugal endorses sale of five F-16 jets to Romania
The Portuguese Government has approved the sale of the five F-16 aircraft to Romania, the price being at least EUR 130 million, as evidenced by the decision of the Lisbon Executive, Adevarul reported. Before the summer recess, the Romanian Parliament approved the purchase of 5 aircraft. Defense minister Gabriel Leş announced on July 3 that they will...
Romania Chooses the Joint Offer of Naval Group and Santierul Naval Constanta for the Corvettes Programme
The Romanian authorities announced today the selection of Naval Group and its partner Santierul Naval Constanta (SNC) for the programme to build four new Gowind multi-mission corvettes, to modernize the T22 frigates and to create a maintenance centre and a training centre. The Naval Group and SNC teams are honoured by the trust of the...
Romania orders corvettes from Naval Group for $1.4 billion
COLOGNE, Germany — The Romanian government has picked Naval Group to build four Gowind corvettes for the Black Sea nation in a deal worth €1.2 billion (U.S. $1.4 billion). The contract also includes modernizing the country’s two T-22 frigates and construction of a maintenance and training center, according to a statement by the French shipbuilder....
Parteneriat între Pro Optica, CN ROMARM SA și IOR, pentru realizarea la Uzina Automecanica Moreni a turelelor telecomandate de calibru 7,62 și 12,7 mm
București, 25 iunie 2019 – Având în vedere interesul esențial de securitate a României, de a avea pe teritoriul național capabilități de producție și mentenanță vitale pentru dezvoltarea, producția și menținerea stării de operativitate a sistemelor de apărare pe ciclul de viață și în situații critice, Compania Națională Romarm SA, Societatea Pro Optica SA și...
Romania: UMP will start producing ARX 160 weapons
(ANSA) – BELGRADE, 11 GIU – The Romanian company Uzina Mecanica Plopeni (UMP), controlled by the state-owned arms producer Romarm, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Beretta Holding for the production in Romania of the ARX 160 assault weapon, the Romanian ministry of Economy announced in statement on Monday. “It is an important moment,...
Uzina Mecanică Plopeni și Berretta Holding au semnat memorandumul de înțelegere care pune bazele asocierii pentru producția în România a armei de asalt ARX 160
București, 10 iunie – Memorandumul de înțelegere care permite asocierea dintre Holdingul Beretta și Uzina Mecanică Plopeni, filială a CN Romarm SA, a fost semnat astăzi, la sediul Ministerului Economiei, de către Președintele Franco Gussalli Beretta, și Directorul General al Uzinei Mecanice Plopeni – Tiberiu Alexandru Pîrvu. Ceremonia de semnare a avut loc în prezența...